Sunday 14 February 2016

Don't Worry

Don't Worry: The psychic disease: Worry causes you to become very lethargic and irritable—in other words, very poor company. Worry is the forerunner to fear, which causes anxiety and, ultimately, physical disease.  You will never, let me repeat, never witness any truly productive behavior expressed from a worrisome mind. You should not mistake worry for a conscious concern. There is a vast difference in the two.  You are worrying when you choose negative thoughts and direct them toward a particular end.  Permit me to give you an excellent example that is true. A number of years ago I was living and working in New Delhi. I had an occasion to be in Mumbai and I was visiting a friend. He was in a very poor frame of mind, not at all a pleasant person to be around. That wasn’t too bad for me, I was just visiting. His family was in a much different position. I asked his wife what the problem was and she explained he was worried sick because he was Rs. 2,00,000 short to meet his payroll of the month, the following week. I spoke to him and said a lot could happen in a week, don’t worry. That didn’t help. I took a cheque book and gave him a cheque for Rs. 2,00,000. I said, “If you don’t use it, do send the cheque back to me.”  His personality changed instantly. He was happy.  The following month, my friend returned the same cheque, saying he did not have to use it. I replied, “That’s good, because there was no money in that account.”  Ninety—two percent of what you worry about never happens. Don't worry, be happy! Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith. Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble.  I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what  must be done does away with fear.  --ROSA PARKS

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