Thursday 11 February 2016

Do a Clean Sweep

Do a Clean Sweep: I've spent much of the past twelve months in what I can——pulling back from much of the “busyness" of my life and rethinking things like my priorities, my values and my personal philosophy. I’ve accepted fewer social invitations, limited many activities and spent a lot more time in reflection—just to make certain I’m climbing the right mountain and spending my days in the way they should be spent. l’ve also spent a lot of time this year doing a “Clean Sweep.”  A Clean Sweep is a superb way to streamline, simplify and refocus your life. Most of us have a ton of baggage and clutter that we carry with us on this journey. These might include “messes,” like incomplete relationships or people you have yet to forgive (or apologize to). The baggage in your life could include “undones,” like a Will that needs to be prepared or a life insurance policy that should be updated. The clutter could relate to an unkempt lawn or a bunch of unpacked boxes stacked in a spare room. The powerful idea is this: When you Clean Sweep these things-—put them into order or delete what needs to be eliminated from your life—you will feel lighter, happier and your mind will experience more peace.  My Clean Sweep involved getting a will, getting rid of a lot of things I hadn’t used for a while, putting a financial plan in place, tidying up my physical spaces, saying goodbye to pursuits that were not aligned with my personal and professional strategic objectives (goals), installing systems to be more efficient and spending a lot of time refining  the model of my business. Guess what? It worked—beautifully.  I have more time to do what’s most important. I’m more relaxed and in the flow. I have more energy (messes—whether physical or emotional—drain you). I am more creative. And I’m having more fun. So do a Clean Sweep of your life. And start soon. The results just might astonish  you.

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