Sunday 13 December 2015

The good in bad

The good in bad: Sometimes life kicks us in the gut and we are reeling under the impact of such a sudden and vicious attack, we wonder what compelled it, what brought it on? How did we miss sensing it? The truth is, we may have been too busy with the mundane drudgeries of life — stressing ourselves out and worrying about our  career in our race to make  a living. Very often our intuitions go unheard in the outward clamour for survival. We lose the connection with our prime senses and fail to tune in to the ‘Divine force’ that sustains us. Sometimes we start justifying suffering because the human brain is wired to analyse and logically interpret information. When we find that our mind is unable to rationalise suffering around us, we start justifying it by attributing it  to our bad karma. We may even begin to think that we deserve it.In order to reaffirm our faith in ourselves, we turn to the virtues of charity, generosity and benevolence. Thus, something does come out of our suffering. It mellows us down and makes us question our existence. If you ask yourself what the purpose of your existence is, the answers may not come easy. You have to connect to your inner self through meditation and prayers. Most of the holy books say, in such cases, that we maybe destined to have our share in the universal cycle of suffering; so a wise thing to do would be to just let it wash over you and cleanse you. A song of Kelly Clarkson comes to mind, ‘What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’.

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