Wednesday 9 December 2015

Light up the fire within

Light up the fire within: If your are unhappy, you better check if one or all of these are lacking. Tapa (penance), Vairagya (dispassion), Sharanagati (surrender). Tapas is, "agreeing with the moment, total acceptance of pleasant or unpleasant situations". Vairagya means "I want nothing and I am nothing". Sharanagati is, "I am here for You, for Your joy". If you grumble, that means you are lacking these because when you accept the situation, you cannot grumble. When you take it as Tapa or a state of dispassion or surrender; you will have no complaints. These three purify your mind and uplift you in joy. If you don’t do it willingly, you will do it in desperation. First you say, “Nothing can be done.” Then in anger and desperation you say, "I give up, I want nothing". We need to remember that we are fire. However, some ash gets accumulated over the mind. Once you blow the ash away, the fire will rise up and shine brightly. If there are too many worries in your mind, then just say ‘Hmm’ (with slight force), and all that ash that has accumulated on the mind will be wiped off and you will feel fresh. Often we sit and keep worrying. Don’t sit and brood over it. March ahead, remembering that you are fire.  When you know you are fire, nothing can burn you. Let go of the past and move happily into the future. Take life in its totality. Some pleasant, some unpleasant experiences happen and then they go away. There is no problem that cannot be solved. The solution is the tail of every problem.  Solutions come to you when: You are calm and collected; you use intelligence; you are not lethargic but active and you have strong faith in the Divine law.  Knowing that “I have all the blessings, I have the grace, the best will happen to me”, you should move ahead.

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