Wednesday 9 December 2015

Art of bouncing back

Art of bouncing back: Troubles in life are like thorns in a rose. Some of us overcome them in our own ingenious ways; but some others keep crying all their lives. Actually, troubles should be taken as a test  to prove the survival of the fittest.  When taken in the right spirit, troubles strengthen our zeal and conviction that life is great and worth- living in all circumstances. Or else, we would just be  no better than animals that care for nothing but their day-to-day survival.  Let me say if you know how to face troubles, you know how to be happy and progressive. The only difference between a winner and a loser is the attitude one takes over obstacles.  The winner faces them positively and the loser fails to take full opportunity of a crisis.  No need to say that all great leaders in the world  had faced great hardships and it was because of their tenacity and resilience that they “could come out of the hole" and bounce back to a fighting fit situation.  True, resilience alone is not good enough; one has to learn from one’s mistakes and go a step ahead the next time without losing conviction and confidence in one’s own will to do and tide over any difficulty.  If you want to succeed, you must be willing to fall and bounce back cheerfully, irrespective of the knocks you have received. The art  of bouncing back comes through one’s willingness to learn from a mistake and the zeal to take on the thorns of life. . Philosopher Criss Jami  has this point elaborated beautifully, “You get hit  the hardest when trying to run or hide from a problem. Troubles are invited out  of a fear of weakness. One has to realise that fearing weakness is further  strengthening it. We have to be like the herb that, as Walter Scott says in Ivanhoe, flourishes most when trampled upon!Those who have mastered the art of resilience know that setbacks and challenges can be our most powerful learning opportunities. Some of the world's most successful people have been fired from their jobs, and used the experience to bounce back to great heights.

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