Thursday 3 March 2016

Find Uncomfortable Friends

Find Uncomfortable Friends: Okay this one might challenge, provoke and even irritate you a bit (if so, I’ve done my job). Because we grow through ideas and experiences that stretch us. And all I want to do is help you grow (into your greatness). The idea centers on the importance of surrounding yourself with people who cause you to leave the SHK: Safe Harbour of the Known. Why spend time with people at work who play at mediocre? Why have friends in your personal life who resign themselves to being ordinary? We really do become who we drink coifee with. We really will become our associations. Powerful thought: You will become a lot like the five people you spend most of your time with (hope I didn’t scare you). So my suggestion is that you invite people into your professional and personal life who inspire you. Who will uplift you. Who will make you more extraordinary/ authentic/ unforgettable (and loving). Who are viscerally committed to world class. And, most importantly, who see the world through a different set of eyes. They’ll challenge you. They’ll push you. And sometimes maybe they even irritate you (if so, fantastic). This practice will serve you well. So that you grow. And reach. And evolve. So that you will never be the same.

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